Friday, February 23, 2007


Discovery Institute Dissembles - Again

Casey Luskin has a blog entry over at the Discovery Institute in which he reviews an article by Chris Mooney and Alan Sokal (who famously tweaked the noses of post-modernists). The Mooney/Sokal article is mostly about restoring the integrity of science at the federal government level, but any discussion about the integrity of science can't fail to mention the obfustication and dissembling of creationists/IDiots.

Luskin pretends that IDiots aren't pushing a covert religious agenda (conveniently ignoring the Discovery Institute's Wedge document). Instead, he pretends (as usual) that Mooney and Sokal are attempting to suppress scientific inquiry. Of course, it's the other way around. IDiots, if they had the chance, would quickly replace methodological naturalism with dogmatic Christianity.

IDiots aren't just science abusers (which is what Mooney and Sokal call them), they abuse the integrity of any intellectual process. Many of them would substitute blasphemy laws for protections of free thought and expression. That's not something any scientist or true intellectual would do to them!

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